Mental Health Resources
The professionals at The Southern Center for Choice Theory, LLC (SCCT) are skilled, caring individuals who are assisting in the creation of more mentally healthy communities, reducing recidivism, improving relationships, educating professionals, advocating for equitable trauma-informed culturally competent care and much more. We consider it an honor to serve each individual who comes to us for support. We will work together to acquire greater fulfillment in relationships. We offer meaningful assessment and treatment with each individuals social, physical, and emotional needs in mind. As our name implies, we believe that it is the choices we make every moment of every day that determine how successful we are in life. We also hope that by teaching individuals how to have more effective control over their mental wellness they in essence take back the power over their lives.
At SCCT, we strive to create a space containing multiple resources for those individuals who have come to us for assistance in supporting, enhancing, and sustaining their mental wellness. At this time, we are pleased to announce the addition of the Macon Mental Health Matters initiative, which allows us to provide no-cost services to individuals in 8 targeted communities. This initiative provides us with an opportunity to serve more individuals with equitable and holistic care. It has always been a part of our practice to offer pro-bono services and we are working to create partnerships that will help us to support marginalized individuals to meet their mental wellness needs. We offer mental wellness services on a sliding scale fee basis.
SCCT has expanded its services to include infant and early childhood mental health. About 5 or 6 years ago, our lead therapist was exposed to the story about an infant who had been severely traumatized by his mother. Images of this child were passed around the table of our MDT and we were told that this was a “good baby” who rarely ever cried. Our therapist (Cissé) saw a baby who had given up fighting for attention who needed a lot of help. Being ill prepared to offer support to this child she dedicated herself to learning whatever possible so that she could become an advocate with the correct language to support infants like the child she had seen. CPP appears to be a model that will assist therapists in helping children and their parents. Good mental health begins with good child parent interactions and CPP is a tool that can assist in developing good interactions/connections between infant and caregivers.
Individual Counseling
The therapists at The Southern Center for Choice Theory, LLC are trained and experienced in individual counseling and will work with you to determine the best approach to meet your specific mental wellness needs.
Group Counseling
SCCT offers several group counseling opportunities for individuals who are either mandated or select to participate in a group. These groups enhance and support and individual’s mental wellness. A few of the groups we facilitate are: Choosing True North for Individuals who have committed a sexual offense. Choosing Peace for Men & Women groups for individuals who have chosen to use violence in their interpersonal relationships but want to change these ineffective choices.
Marriage and Family Services
Our professionals strive to help couples and families strengthen and repair their most vital relationships. Choice theory tells us that “all long-lasting psychological problems are relationship problems.” This principle underlies our work with individuals and families.
Workshops and Trainings
Choice Theory/Reality Therapy Basic Intensive Training offered by Gloria Smith Cissé
- Choosing True North
- Choosing Peace
- The Ethics of Working with Groups
Specialty areas;
- Play therapy
- Counseling for individuals who have committed sexual offenses
- Counseling for victims of interpersonal violence (sexual/physical/psychological)
- Group counseling
- Group psychoeducation
Consultation by appointment
Local Virtual & In-person Monthly and Weekly Events
Trauma-informed consultation group – 3rd Friday of each month at 10 a.m. (virtual)
For more information send us an email from our Contact Us page.
Difficult Discussions in Diversity – 3rd Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. (virtual)
For more information send us an email from our Contact Us page.
IMAGINE Relationships – 4th Saturday of each month at 2 p.m. (virtual)
This is a virtual group meeting where participants engage in discourse around building healthy relationships across cultures.
Macon it Happen Monday – Mondays, 10-12, Booker T. Washington Center, Monroe Street
Terrific Tuesday – virtual event celebrating our community partners
Mental Wellness Wednesday – Wednesdays, 10-12, Booker T. Washington Center and other Locations to be determined
Tackling Tough Decisions Thursday – Thursdays, 10-12, Booker T. Washington Center and other locations to be determined
Fenomenal Fathers Friday-Fridays, 10-12, Booker T. Washington Center and other locations to be determined
Serendipitous Seniors – locations & times to be determined
Serendipitous Seniors
The goal of the Serendipitous Seniors will be to add to their quality of live; to enhance participants sense of belonging and provide participants with information about and access to no-cost mental health.
The Serendipitous Seniors will give seniors the opportunity to not only connect with other seniors but also to learn about mental wellness. The Serendipitous Seniors will have access to connect with a therapist at no cost. There will be activities, such as bingo, music, art, exercise (walking); and there will be conversations on mental wellness and how to support, enhance, and sustain your mental health. So come out and join the Serendipitous Seniors!
Macon it Happen Mondays
Life is full of events and opportunities! In these meetings, participants will be exposed to information about mental health while engaging in activities that support, enhance, and sustain their desire to make something happen for themselves or others. Do you want to become more social or perhaps start a business? What about buying a home or simply developing a plan for better physical health? Want to join?
For more information and to sign up send us an email from our Contact Us page.
Terrific Tuesday
Celebrations of community members and partners. There are heroes and sheroes everywhere doing amazing things to support our community. Nominate someone to be featured on our website and social media. They might even make it to the local news!
Mental Wellness Wednesday
This day is all about mental wellness! Participants in these weekly events will be exposed to information that enhances their mental wellness. The goal is to have a group of people who join a particular activity and participate in this “group” for 3 to 6 weeks. These groups are facilitated by a mental health professional and co-facilitated by an individual trained in another area.
Tackling Tough Decisions Thursday
How often do you encounter a situation, and you cannot think of where to turn or what to do? In these meetings, participants will learn about and develop more effective decision-making skills. The initial groups will deal primarily with relationship skills, parenting, and dating. In these groups the focus is on relationships that do not include violence.
Fenomenal Fathers Friday
Forgetting about fathers in the development of this process was not an option! We wanted it included so much that we changed the spelling of a word to make it fit into our plans…
In these meetings, fathers will have an opportunity to meet with other men who are parenting their children; they will be exposed to parenting and relationship techniques that support, enhance, and sustain mental wellness.
For more information and to sign up send us an email from our Contact Us page.